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2022-2023 Law Spring
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2022-2023 Law Fall
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Course Sections
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ACCT 100-01 - Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 100-02 - Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 100-03 - Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 100-04 - Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 100-05 - Introduction to Accounting
ACCT 231-01 - Corporate Financial Reporting
ACCT 231-02 - Corporate Financial Reporting
ACCT 231-03 - Corporate Financial Reporting
ACCT 330-01 - Strategic Cost Management and Analysis
ACCT 330-02 - Strategic Cost Management and Analysis
ACCT 332-01 - Intermediate Financial Reporting I
ACCT 332-02 - Intermediate Financial Reporting I
ACCT 333-01 - Intermediate Financial Reporting II
ACCT 333-02 - Intermediate Financial Reporting II
ACCT 358-01 - Individual Income Taxation & Financial Planning
ACCT 358-02 - Individual Income Taxation & Financial Planning
ACCT 493-01 - Honors Thesis
ARAB 111-01 - First-Year Arabic I
ARAB 161-01 - Second-Year Arabic I
ARAB 211-01 - Third-Year Arabic I
ARAB 225-01 - Arabic Dialects
ARTH 101-01 - Survey of Western Art: Ancient to Medieval
ARTH 101-02 - Survey of Western Art: Ancient to Medieval
ARTH 180A-01 - FS: The Revolutionary Art of Frida Kahlo
ARTH 211-01 - Islamic Art and Architecture
ARTH 256-01 - Italian Renaissance Art
ARTH 258-01 - Baroque and Rococo Art
ARTH 261-01 - History of Photography
ARTH 267-01 - Art Since 1945
ARTH 394C-01 - Seminar in Art History: Surrealism
ARTH 394D-01 - Sem: Turn-of-the-Century Amer Spectacles and Race
ARTH 395-01 - Senior Seminar: Approaches to Art History
ARTH 403C-01 - Dir Study: Teaching Assistance in ARTH180 FY Sem
ARTH 403D-01 - Dir Study: Baroque or Rococo Art History
ARTH 473-01 - Senior Thesis
ARTH 473-02 - Senior Thesis
ARTH 473-03 - Senior Thesis
ARTH 473-04 - Senior Thesis
ARTH 473-05 - Senior Thesis
ARTH 493-01 - Honors Thesis
ARTS 111-01 - Drawing I
ARTS 120-01 - Photography I
ARTS 121-01 - Light Studies and Optical Culture
ARTS 131-01 - Design I
ARTS 217-01 - Painting I
ARTS 217-02 - Painting I
ARTS 220-01 - Photography II
ARTS 228-01 - Printmaking II
ARTS 236-01 - Land and Passage
ARTS 473-01 - Senior Thesis
BIOL 111-01 - Fundamentals of Biology
BIOL 111-02 - Fundamentals of Biology
BIOL 111-03 - Fundamentals of Biology
BIOL 111-04 - Fundamentals of Biology
BIOL 111-05 - Fundamentals of Biology
BIOL 113-01 - Biology Laboratory
BIOL 113-02 - Biology Laboratory
BIOL 113-03 - Biology Laboratory
BIOL 113-04 - Biology Laboratory
BIOL 113-05 - Biology Laboratory
BIOL 185-01 - Data Science: Visualizing and Exploring Big Data
BIOL 201-01 - Statistics for Biology and Medicine
BIOL 215-01 - Biochemistry of the Cell
BIOL 220-01 - Genetics
BIOL 220-02 - Genetics
BIOL 221-01 - Genetics Laboratory
BIOL 221-02 - Genetics Laboratory
BIOL 221-03 - Genetics Laboratory
BIOL 221-04 - Genetics Laboratory
BIOL 255-01 - Reproductive Physiology
BIOL 260-01 - Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 297E-01 - Topic: The Biology of Symbiosis and Microbiomes
BIOL 365-01 - Developmental Biology
BIOL 421A-01 - Dir Res: Yellowstone Ecology
BIOL 421B-01 - Dir Res: Snacking & Obesity
BIOL 421C-01 - Dir Res: Spider Silk Genetics
BIOL 421D-01 - Dir Res: Conservative Biology
BIOL 421F-01 - Dir Res: Alt Splicing Isoforms in Mammal Tissues
BIOL 421G-01 - Dir Res: Amphibian Ecology
BIOL 421I-01 - Dir Res: Fish Tissue Isotopic Composition
BIOL 422A-01 - Directed Individual Research: Yellowstone Research
BIOL 422B-01 - Directed Individual Research: Snacking & Obesity
BIOL 422C-01 - Directed Individual Research: Spider Silk Genetics
BIOL 422F-01 - Dir Res: Alt Splicing Isoforms in Mammal Tissues
BIOL 422J-01 - Dir Research: Conservation Biology Research
BIOL 422K-01 - Directed Individual Research: Axon Regeneration
BIOL 422M-01 - Directed Individual Research: Amphibian Ecology
BIOL 423A-01 - Dir Research: Axon Regeneration
BUS 160-01 - Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Business
BUS 160-02 - Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Business
BUS 197-01 - Washington and Lee Student Consulting
BUS 198-01 - Entrepreneurship Field Consulting Experience
BUS 202-01 - Fundamentals of Business Analytics
BUS 202-02 - Fundamentals of Business Analytics
BUS 202-03 - Fundamentals of Business Analytics
BUS 202-04 - Fundamentals of Business Analytics
BUS 211-01 - Marketing Management
BUS 211-02 - Marketing Management
BUS 211-03 - Marketing Management
BUS 211-04 - Marketing Management
BUS 211-05 - Marketing Management
BUS 217-01 - Management and Organizational Behavior
BUS 217-02 - Management and Organizational Behavior
BUS 303A-01 - Seminar in Marketing: Applied Behavioral Science
BUS 303A-02 - Seminar in Marketing: Applied Behavioral Science
BUS 304B-01 - Seminar in Management: Social Media Strategy
BUS 306C-01 - Seminar in Management Information Systems: Text Analytics for Business Insights
BUS 306C-02 - Seminar in Management Information Systems: Text Analytics for Business Insights
BUS 315-01 - Database Management for Business
BUS 315-02 - Database Management for Business
BUS 315-03 - Database Management for Business
BUS 316-01 - Business Analytics
BUS 316-02 - Business Analytics
BUS 345-01 - Business Ethics
BUS 345-02 - Business Ethics
BUS 348-01 - Foundations in Business Law
BUS 348-02 - Foundations in Business Law
BUS 361-01 - Foundations of Business Communication
BUS 361-02 - Foundations of Business Communication
BUS 361-03 - Foundations of Business Communication
BUS 381-01 - Social Entrepreneurship
BUS 381-02 - Social Entrepreneurship
BUS 398-01 - Strategic Management
BUS 398-02 - Strategic Management
BUS 398-03 - Strategic Management
BUS 399-01 - Entrepreneurship
BUS 402-01 - Directed Individual Study
CBL 211-01 - Community-Based Learning Teaching Assistant Seminar
CBSC 110-01 - Brain and Behavior with Laboratory
CBSC 111-01 - Brain and Behavior
CBSC 111-02 - Brain and Behavior
CBSC 111-03 - Brain and Behavior
CBSC 112-01 - Cognition
CBSC 112-03 - Cognition
CBSC 112-04 - Cognition
CBSC 112-05 - Cognition
CBSC 113-01 - Principles of Development
CBSC 113-02 - Principles of Development
CBSC 113-03 - Principles of Development
CBSC 114-01 - Introduction to Social Psychology
CBSC 114-02 - Introduction to Social Psychology
CBSC 150-01 - Psychoactive Drugs and Behavior
CBSC 210-01 - Introduction to Clinical Psychology
CBSC 212-01 - Health Psychology
CBSC 240-01 - Data Science: Mind Analytics
CBSC 254-01 - Attention
CBSC 257-01 - Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Health and Disease
CBSC 261-01 - Socioemotional Development
CBSC 263-01 - Language, Culture, and Emotion
CBSC 269-01 - Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
CBSC 295D-01 - Current Advances: I/O Psychology
CBSC 298A-01 - Topic: Learning and Memory
CBSC 413-01 - Cognitive and Behavioral Science Capstone
CBSC 421A-01 - Dir Res: Psychophysiology
CBSC 421B-01 - Dir Res: Developmental Psychology
CBSC 421C-01 - Dir Res: Affective Science
CBSC 421D-01 - Dir Res: Multitasking
CBSC 421E-01 - Dir Res: Personality Perceptions
CBSC 421G-01 - Dir Research: Technology and Health
CBSC 422A-01 - Dir Res: Psychophysiology
CBSC 422B-01 - Dir Res: Developmental Psychology
CBSC 422C-01 - Dir Res: Technology and Health
CBSC 422D-01 - Dir Res: Affective Science
CBSC 422G-01 - Dir Res: Personality Perceptions
CBSC 423A-01 - Dir Res: Developmental Psychology
CBSC 423B-01 - Dir Res: Technology and Health
CBSC 423B-02 - Dir Res: Technology and Health
CBSC 433A-01 - Tutorial: Mental Health Research
CHEM 100-01 - Modern Descriptive Chemistry
CHEM 110-01 - General Chemistry
CHEM 110-02 - General Chemistry
CHEM 110-03 - General Chemistry
CHEM 241-01 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 241-02 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 241-03 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 241-04 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 243-01 - Spectroscopic Methods
CHEM 260-01 - Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems
CHEM 341-01 - Biochemistry I
CHEM 341-02 - Biochemistry I
CHEM 343-01 - Biochemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 343-02 - Biochemistry I Laboratory
CHEM 401A-01 - Dir Study: Intro Undergrad Research in Org Chem
CHEM 421-01 - Directed Individual Research
CHEM 421-02 - Directed Individual Research
CHEM 421-03 - Directed Individual Research
CHEM 441-01 - Laboratory Mentoring in Organic Chemistry
CHIN 111-01 - First-Year Chinese I
CHIN 111-02 - First-Year Chinese I
CHIN 261-01 - Second-Year Chinese I
CHIN 301-01 - Third-Year Chinese I
CHIN 311-01 - Advanced Chinese I
CLAS 180B-01 - FS: Gateway to the Ancient Greek and Roman World
CPD 461-01 - Career and Professional Development Internship
CSCI 111-01 - Fundamentals of Programming I
CSCI 111-02 - Fundamentals of Programming I
CSCI 111-03 - Fundamentals of Programming I
CSCI 112-01 - Fundamentals of Programming II
CSCI 112-02 - Fundamentals of Programming II
CSCI 209-01 - Software Development
CSCI 209-02 - Software Development
CSCI 297C-01 - Topic: Systems Programming
CSCI 313-01 - Theory of Computation
CSCI 397D-01 - Seminar: Reinforcement Learning
CSCI 401A-01 - Directed Individual Study: Social Media Algorithms
CSCI 401C-01 - Dir Study: Cybersecurity and Privacy
CSCI 401D-01 - Dir Study: Interactive Machine Learning
DANC 110-01 - University Dance
DANC 120-01 - Introduction to Contemporary Modern Dance
DANC 190B-01 - Topic: Harnessing Social Media to Create Art
DANC 250-01 - Aerial Dance Techniques
DANC 292-01 - Ballet Technique
DANC 402-01 - Directed Individual Study
DANC 403A-01 - Directed Individual Study: Choreography
DANC 403C-01 - Directed Study: Advanced Choreography
DCI 101-01 - Introduction to Digital Culture and Information
DCI 180A-01 - FS: First Year Seminar: Every Map Tells a Story
DCI 201-01 - Digital Collections and Exhibits
DCI 295D-01 - Topics: Digital Editions
DCI 403A-01 - Dir Study: Oral Histories
DS 401-01 - Directed Individual Study
DS 401-02 - Directed Individual Study
DS 401-03 - Directed Individual Study
EALL 399-01 - Capstone Project
EALL 399-02 - Capstone Project
EAS 391-01 - Senior Capstone in East Asian Studies
ECON 100-01 - Introduction to Economics
ECON 100-02 - Introduction to Economics
ECON 100-03 - Introduction to Economics
ECON 100-04 - Introduction to Economics
ECON 100-05 - Introduction to Economics
ECON 100-06 - Introduction to Economics
ECON 100-07 - Introduction to Economics
ECON 180A-01 - FS: 4th Industrial Revolution and Future of Work
ECON 180A-02 - FS: 4th Industrial Revolution and Future of Work
ECON 202-01 - Statistics for Economics
ECON 202-02 - Statistics for Economics
ECON 203-01 - Econometrics
ECON 203-02 - Econometrics
ECON 210-01 - Microeconomic Theory
ECON 210-02 - Microeconomic Theory
ECON 211-01 - Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 211-02 - Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 215-01 - Money and Banking
ECON 215-02 - Money and Banking
ECON 230-01 - Labor Economics
ECON 235-01 - The Economics of Social Issues
ECON 235-02 - The Economics of Social Issues
ECON 241-01 - Economics of War and Peace
ECON 241-02 - Economics of War and Peace
ECON 280-01 - Development Economics
ECON 280-02 - Development Economics
ECON 295A-01 - Special Topics: Economy of Latin America
ECON 302-01 - Game Theory
ECON 312-01 - Advanced International Finance
ECON 395E-01 - Topic: Macro Forecasting
ECON 423-01 - Directed Individual Research
ECON 423-02 - Directed Individual Research
ECON 423-03 - Directed Individual Research
ECON 423-04 - Directed Individual Research
ECON 423-05 - Directed Individual Research
ECON 440-01 - Honors Thesis Workshop
ECON 493-01 - Honors Thesis
ECON 493-02 - Honors Thesis
ECON 493-04 - Honors Thesis
ECON 493-05 - Honors Thesis
EDUC 200-01 - Foundations of Education
EDUC 200-02 - Foundations of Education
EDUC 200A-01 - First-Year Seminar: Foundations of Education
EDUC 201-01 - Practicum: Foundation of Education
EDUC 210-01 - Fieldwork in Education
EDUC 215-01 - Earth Science and Chemistry for K-6 Education
EDUC 302-01 - Teaching the Exceptional Learner
EDUC 303-01 - Practicum: The Exceptional Learner
EDUC 315-01 - Music and Movement for Elementary Education
EDUC 330-01 - Elementary and General Music Methods
EDUC 331-01 - Practicum: Elementary and General Music Methods
EDUC 343-01 - Elementary Math and Science Methods
EDUC 344-01 - Practicum: Elementary Math and Science Methods
EDUC 365-01 - Methods for World Language
EDUC 366-01 - Practicum: Methods for World Language
EDUC 403D-01 - Dir Study: Speech and Language Dev in Children
EDUC 403E-01 - Dir Study: Social-Emotional Learning in Classrooms
EEG 100-01 - Introductory Geology with Field Emphasis
EEG 100-02 - Introductory Geology with Field Emphasis
EEG 100A-01 - FS: Introductory Geology with Field Emphasis
EEG 102-01 - Introductory Environmental Geology
EEG 104-01 - Planetary Geology
EEG 150-01 - Water Resources
EEG 211-01 - Earth Materials
EEG 311-01 - Earth and Environmental Geochemistry
EEG 330-01 - Sedimentation and Stratigraphy
EEG 401-01 - Directed Individual Study
EEG 401-02 - Directed Individual Study
EEG 401-03 - Directed Individual Study
EEG 472-01 - Senior Research Thesis
EEG 493-01 - Honors Thesis
EEG 493-02 - Honors Thesis
ENGL 203-01 - Creative Writing: Fiction
ENGL 203-02 - Creative Writing: Fiction
ENGL 203-03 - Creative Writing: Fiction
ENGL 204-01 - Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL 233-01 - Introduction to Film
ENGL 233-02 - Introduction to Film
ENGL 234-01 - Children's Literature
ENGL 253-01 - Literature of the American South
ENGL 259-01 - Enslavement and Abolition in British Lit 1688-1831
ENGL 263-01 - Environmental Literature in the Anthropocene
ENGL 264-01 - The Body Electric: Queer Theory, Film, and Text
ENGL 264-02 - The Body Electric: Queer Theory, Film, and Text
ENGL 293L-01 - Topics in Amer Lit: The "Great American Novel"
ENGL 294C-01 - Topics: Caribbean Women Writers
ENGL 294E-01 - Topics in World Literature: Magic Realism
ENGL 306-01 - Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL 316-01 - The Tudors
ENGL 361-01 - Native American Literatures
ENGL 393C-01 - Topics: The Nineteenth Century and its Shadow
ENGL 394C-01 - Topics: Hitchcock, Freud, and Their Discontents
ENGL 394D-01 - Topics: Beyond Superman: Literary Comics
ENGL 413-01 - Senior Research and Writing
ENGL 453-01 - Internship in Literary Editing with Shenandoah
ENGL 493-01 - Honors Thesis
ENGN 178-01 - Introduction to Engineering
ENGN 203-01 - Mechanics I: Statics
ENGN 207-01 - Electrical Circuits
ENGN 207-02 - Electrical Circuits
ENGN 295C-01 - Topic: Machine Dynamics and Design
ENGN 301-01 - Solid Mechanics
ENGN 351-01 - Solid Mechanics Laboratory
ENGN 351-02 - Solid Mechanics Laboratory
ENGN 378-01 - Capstone Design
ENGN 421-01 - Directed Individual Research
ENGN 421-02 - Directed Individual Research
ENGN 421-03 - Directed Individual Research
ENGN 421D-01 - Dir Research: Gastrointestinal System & Devices
ENV 110-01 - Introduction to Environmental Studies
ENV 110-03 - Introduction to Environmental Studies
ENV 110-04 - Introduction to Environmental Studies
ENV 201-01 - Applied Environmental Science
ENV 207-01 - Nature and Place
ENV 263-01 - Environmental Literature in the Anthropocene
ENV 295D-01 - SpTp: The Commodification of Nature
ENV 396-01 - Pre-Capstone Research Seminar
ENV 401B-01 - Dir Study: Microstegium Control on Back Campus
ENV 403A-01 - Dir Study: Environmental Modeling Thesis
FILM 121-01 - Script Analysis for Stage and Screen
FILM 233-01 - Introduction to Film
FILM 233-02 - Introduction to Film
FILM 403-01 - Directed Individual Study
FIN 196-01 - Williams Investment Society
FIN 199-01 - Real Estate Society
FIN 221-01 - Managerial Finance
FIN 221-02 - Managerial Finance
FIN 221-03 - Managerial Finance
FIN 221-04 - Managerial Finance
FIN 221-05 - Managerial Finance
FIN 350-01 - Building Financial Models
FIN 356-01 - Financial Risk Management
FIN 359-01 - Investments
FIN 359-02 - Investments
FIN 359-03 - Investments
FREN 111-01 - Elementary French I
FREN 111-02 - Elementary French I
FREN 161-01 - Intermediate French I
FREN 161-02 - Intermediate French I
FREN 164-01 - Advanced Intermediate French
FREN 164-02 - Advanced Intermediate French
FREN 283-01 - Histoire des idées
FREN 295A-01 - Topic: French for Business and Journalism
FREN 342C-01 - Jeunesse, Rébellions, et Nouveaux Langages
FREN 403B-01 - Dir Study: Francophone Environmental Literature
FREN 403C-01 - Dir Study: Regards Sur L' Afrique
FYE 100-01 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-02 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-03 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-04 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-05 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-06 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-07 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-08 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-09 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-10 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-11 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-12 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-13 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-14 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-15 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 100-16 - General Success: Living and Learning at W&L
FYE 451-01 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-02 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-03 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-04 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-05 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-06 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-07 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-08 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-09 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-10 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-11 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-12 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-13 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-14 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-15 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
FYE 451-16 - General Success: Upper-Division Facilitation
GERM 111-01 - Elementary German I
GERM 111-02 - Elementary German I
GERM 261-01 - Intermediate German I
GERM 261-02 - Intermediate German I
GERM 311-01 - Advanced German
GERM 311-02 - Advanced German
GERM 314-01 - German Literature, 1900-1945
GR 101-01 - Elementary Ancient Greek
GR 201-01 - Intermediate Ancient Greek
GR 302-01 - The Greek Philosophers
HIST 100-01 - European History, 325-1517
HIST 100-02 - European History, 325-1517
HIST 103-01 - China: Origins to 20th-Century Reforms
HIST 107-01 - History of the United States to 1876
HIST 107-02 - History of the United States to 1876
HIST 107-03 - History of the United States to 1876
HIST 130-01 - Latin America: Incas/Aztecs to Independence
HIST 130-02 - Latin America: Incas/Aztecs to Independence
HIST 175-01 - History of Africa to 1800
HIST 180C-01 - First-Year Seminar: Salem Witch Trials
HIST 180D-01 - FS: Youth & Social Movements in Africa
HIST 206-01 - Gender & Sexuality in Modern Europe
HIST 208-01 - France: Old Regime and Revolution
HIST 216-01 - Making of Modern Scotland: Braveheart to Brexit
HIST 216-02 - Making of Modern Scotland: Braveheart to Brexit
HIST 231-01 - Darwin and Critics: Theory of Evolution from 1755
HIST 245-01 - The American Civil War
HIST 245-02 - The American Civil War
HIST 260-01 - Introduction to African American History from 1877
HIST 275-01 - African Women in Comparative Perspective
HIST 282-01 - Picturing Muhammad?
HIST 295I-01 - Topics in History: Doomsday Science Then and Now
HIST 359-01 - African American Intellectual History
HIST 395E-01 - Advanced Seminar: Educating Otherness
HIST 473-01 - Senior Thesis
HIST 493-01 - Honors Thesis
HIST 493-02 - Honors Thesis
HIST 493-03 - Honors Thesis
HIST 493-04 - Honors Thesis
INTR 202-01 - Applied Statistics
INTR 202-02 - Applied Statistics
INTR 202-03 - Applied Statistics
ITAL 113-01 - Accelerated Elementary Italian
ITAL 295E-01 - Topic: Introduzione al cinema italiano
JAPN 111-01 - First-Year Japanese I
JAPN 261-01 - Second-Year Japanese I
JAPN 301-01 - Third-Year Japanese I
JAPN 311-01 - Advanced Japanese I
JOUR 101-01 - Introduction to Mass Communications
JOUR 101-02 - Introduction to Mass Communications
JOUR 162-01 - Broadcast-Announcing Practicum
JOUR 180C-01 - FS: Who’s Sorry Now? Apologies and the Media
JOUR 201-01 - Introduction to News Writing
JOUR 202-01 - Introduction to Digital Journalism
JOUR 208-01 - Fund of Audio Production and Vocal Development
JOUR 227-01 - Public Relations Writing
JOUR 258-01 - Beat Reporting
JOUR 268-01 - The Framing of Race in Mass Media
JOUR 273-01 - Principles of Public Relations
JOUR 280-01 - Covering Courts and the Law
JOUR 301-01 - Law and Communications
JOUR 330-01 - Communication Theory and Research Methods
JOUR 344-01 - Ethics of Journalism
JOUR 362-01 - Producing for Broadcast and Online Media
JOUR 371-01 - Financial News
JOUR 451-01 - News Internship
JOUR 452-01 - News Internship
JOUR 461-01 - Communications Internship
LACS 101-01 - Introduction to Latin American & Caribbean Studies
LATN 101-01 - Elementary Latin
LATN 101-02 - Elementary Latin
LATN 201-01 - Intermediate Latin
LATN 201-02 - Intermediate Latin
LATN 301-01 - Advanced Latin Readings
LATN 395D-01 - Topics in Latin Literature: Roman Religion
LIT 218-01 - Pre-Modern Chinese Literature in Translation
LIT 219-01 - Augustine & Literature of Self, Soul, & Synapses
LIT 223-01 - Seminar in Japanese Literature in Translation
LIT 223L-01 - Literature 223 Lab
LIT 223L-02 - Literature 223 Lab
LIT 263-01 - 19th-Century Russian Literature in Translation
LIT 264-01 - Russian Short Fiction
LIT 295H-01 - Topic: Vampires, Ghosts, Other Friendly Spirits
LJS 101-01 - Introduction to Law, Justice, and Society
LJS 101-02 - Introduction to Law, Justice, and Society
LJS 231-01 - Introduction to Jury Advocacy
LJS 295B-01 - Topics in Law: Decedents' Estates and Trusts
LJS 295D-01 - Topics in Law and Legal Studies: Mass Media Law
LJS 295F-01 - Topics in Law: Corporate Social Responsibility
LJS 295G-01 - Topics in Law: Intellectual Property
LJS 295K-01 - Topics in Law and Legal Studies: Mass Atrocities
LJS 295L-01 - Topic: Law of Money in Politics
LJS 295N-01 - Topics in Law: Federal Income Tax of Individuals
LJS 295T-01 - Topic: Jurisprudence Seminar
LJS 295U-01 - Topic: Comparative Constitutional Law Seminar
LJS 295V-01 - Topic: Election Law and Voting Rights Seminar
LJS 295W-01 - Topic: Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure
LJS 295X-01 - Topic: Healthcare Law
LJS 295Y-01 - Topic: National Security Law and Practice
LJS 431-01 - Tutorial in Trial Preparation and Procedure
MATH 100A-01 - Topic: Mathematical Foundations of Data Science
MATH 100F-01 - Topic: Mathematical Perspectives on Art
MATH 100F-02 - Topic: Mathematical Perspectives on Art
MATH 101-01 - Calculus I
MATH 101-02 - Calculus I
MATH 101-03 - Calculus I
MATH 101-04 - Calculus I
MATH 101-05 - Calculus I
MATH 102-01 - Calculus II
MATH 102-02 - Calculus II
MATH 102-03 - Calculus II
MATH 102-04 - Calculus II
MATH 221-01 - Multivariable Calculus
MATH 221-02 - Multivariable Calculus
MATH 221-03 - Multivariable Calculus
MATH 222-01 - Linear Algebra
MATH 222-02 - Linear Algebra
MATH 222-03 - Linear Algebra
MATH 225-01 - Bridges to Advanced Math
MATH 309-01 - Probability
MATH 311-01 - Real Analysis
MATH 321-01 - Abstract Algebra
MATH 332-01 - Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 332-02 - Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH 391C-01 - Topics in Analysis: Point Set Topology
MATH 401D-01 - Directed Study: Coverings of the Integers
MATH 401G-01 - Dir Study: Ground Temperature Analysis
MATH 401H-01 - Directed Individual Study: Putnam Preparation
MATH 401I-01 - Dir Study: Topics in Statistics
MATH 493-01 - Honors Thesis
MRST 403-01 - Directed Individual Study
MRST 403-02 - Directed Individual Study
MUS 100-01 - Class Piano I
MUS 108-01 - Supervised Piano Accompanying
MUS 108-02 - Supervised Piano Accompanying
MUS 109A-01 - Cantatrici
MUS 109B-01 - Glee Club
MUS 110-01 - University Singers
MUS 112S-01 - Chamber Ensembles: Strings
MUS 113-01 - University Wind Ensemble
MUS 114-01 - University Orchestra
MUS 115-01 - University Jazz Ensemble
MUS 120-01 - Introduction to Music
MUS 121-01 - Worlds of Music
MUS 141A-02 - Applied Music: Composition
MUS 141BH-01 - Applied Music: Brass (High)
MUS 141BL-01 - Applied Music: Brass (Low)
MUS 141C-01 - Applied Music: Percussion
MUS 141J-01 - Applied Music: Jazz Improvisation
MUS 141O-01 - Applied Music-Organ
MUS 141P-01 - Applied Music-Piano
MUS 141P-02 - Applied Music-Piano
MUS 141P-03 - Applied Music-Piano
MUS 141SC-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Cello)
MUS 141SG-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Guitar)
MUS 141SV-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Violin)
MUS 141SW-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Viola)
MUS 141V-01 - Applied Music: Voice
MUS 141V-02 - Applied Music: Voice
MUS 141WC-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Clarinet)
MUS 141WD-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Double Reed)
MUS 141WF-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Flute)
MUS 141WS-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Saxophone)
MUS 161-01 - Music Theory I
MUS 163-01 - Aural Skills I
MUS 195A-01 - Topics in Sound Technology: Audio Production
MUS 200-01 - Recital Attendance
MUS 202-01 - Music History II
MUS 210-01 - Vocal Pedagogy
MUS 221-01 - History of Jazz
MUS 241BH-01 - Applied Music: Brass (High)
MUS 241BL-01 - Applied Music: Brass (Low)
MUS 241C-01 - Applied Music: Percussion
MUS 241J-01 - Applied Music: Jazz Improvisation
MUS 241O-01 - Applied Music: Organ
MUS 241P-01 - Applied Music: Piano
MUS 241P-02 - Applied Music: Piano
MUS 241P-03 - Applied Music: Piano
MUS 241SC-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Cello)
MUS 241SG-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Guitar)
MUS 241SV-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Violin)
MUS 241SW-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Viola)
MUS 241V-01 - Applied Music: Voice
MUS 241V-02 - Applied Music: Voice
MUS 241WC-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Clarinet)
MUS 241WF-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Flute)
MUS 241WS-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Saxophone)
MUS 261-01 - Music Theory III
MUS 262-01 - Aural Skills III
MUS 341J-01 - Applied Music: Jazz Improvisation
MUS 341P-01 - Applied Music: Piano
MUS 341P-02 - Applied Music: Piano
MUS 341P-03 - Applied Music: Piano
MUS 341SC-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Cello)
MUS 341SG-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Guitar)
MUS 341SV-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Violin)
MUS 341SW-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Viola)
MUS 341V-01 - Applied Music: Voice
MUS 341V-02 - Applied Music: Voice
MUS 341WC-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Clarinet)
MUS 341WF-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Flute)
MUS 341WS-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Saxophone)
MUS 353-01 - Woodwind Techniques
MUS 441P-01 - Applied Music: Piano
MUS 441P-02 - Applied Music: Piano
MUS 441SC-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Cello)
MUS 441SG-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Guitar)
MUS 441SV-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Violin)
MUS 441SW-01 - Applied Music: Strings (Viola)
MUS 441V-01 - Applied Music: Voice
MUS 441V-02 - Applied Music: Voice
MUS 441WC-01 - Applied Music: Woodwinds (Clarinet)
MUS 493-01 - Honors Thesis
NEUR 401J-01 - Dir Individual Study: Art Therapy in Dementia Care
NEUR 401K-01 - Dir Study: Adv Art Therapy & Alzheimer's Practicum
NEUR 421B-01 - Dir Research: Snacking and Obesity
NEUR 421I-01 - Dir Research: Optic Nerve Regeneration
NEUR 421J-01 - Dir Research: Sleep Science
NEUR 421K-01 - Dir Research: Analysis of Neural Data
NEUR 421M-01 - Dir Research: Neurobiology of Obesity
NEUR 421N-01 - Dir Research: Gustatory Development
NEUR 421O-01 - Dir Research: Addiction
NEUR 422B-01 - Directed Individual Research: Snacking and Obesity
NEUR 422C-01 - Directed Individual Research: Analysis of Neural Data
NEUR 422I-01 - Directed Research: Optic Nerve Regeneration
NEUR 422L-01 - Directed Individual Research: Sleep Science
NEUR 422M-01 - Dir Individual Research: Neurobiology of Obesity
NEUR 422N-01 - Dir Individual Research: Gustatory Development
NEUR 422O-01 - Dir Research: Axon Regeneration
NEUR 423B-01 - Dir Research: Axon Regeneration
NEUR 442-01 - Honors Thesis Proposal
NEUR 493-01 - Honors Thesis
PE 101-01 - Fundamental Swimming
PE 101-02 - Fundamental Swimming
PE 102-01 - Therapeutic Exercise
PE 111-01 - Aerobic Swimming
PE 125-01 - Health & Fitness Fundamentals
PE 125-02 - Health & Fitness Fundamentals
PE 126-01 - Yoga
PE 148-01 - Team Handball
PE 151-01 - Golf
PE 153-01 - Boot Camp
PE 153-02 - Boot Camp
PE 154-01 - Aerobic Running
PE 154-02 - Aerobic Running
PE 154-03 - Aerobic Running
PE 155-01 - Weight Training
PE 155-02 - Weight Training
PE 155-03 - Weight Training
PE 155-04 - Weight Training
PE 155-05 - Weight Training
PE 155-06 - Weight Training
PE 156-01 - Soccer
PE 157-01 - Team Sports
PE 158B-01 - Tennis-Beginning
PE 158I-01 - Tennis-Intermediate
PE 159-01 - Badminton
PE 159-02 - Badminton
PE 159-03 - Badminton
PE 160-01 - Volleyball
PE 162-01 - Racquetball
PE 162-02 - Racquetball
PE 162-03 - Racquetball
PE 162-04 - Racquetball
PE 162-05 - Racquetball
PE 165-01 - Basketball
PE 165-03 - Basketball
PE 166-01 - Squash
PE 166-02 - Squash
PE 166-03 - Squash
PE 170-01 - Horsemanship
PE 181-01 - Outdoor Activity: Paddling Fundamentals
PE 183-01 - Fly Fishing
PE 184-01 - Rock Climbing
PE 200M-01 - Intercollegiate Cross-Country-Men
PE 200W-01 - Intercollegiate Cross-Country-Women
PE 201-01 - Intercollegiate Football
PE 202M-01 - Intercollegiate Soccer-Men
PE 202W-01 - Intercollegiate Soccer-Women
PE 204-01 - Intercollegiate Field Hockey
PE 214-01 - Intercollegiate Volleyball
PE 304-01 - First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
PHIL 104-01 - Introduction to Moral and Political Philosophy
PHIL 104-02 - Introduction to Moral and Political Philosophy
PHIL 104-03 - Introduction to Moral and Political Philosophy
PHIL 105-01 - Introduction to Theories of Knowledge and Reality
PHIL 105-02 - Introduction to Theories of Knowledge and Reality
PHIL 110-01 - Ancient Greek Philosophy
PHIL 150-01 - Ethics and the Environment
PHIL 150-02 - Ethics and the Environment
PHIL 170-01 - Introduction to Logic
PHIL 170-02 - Introduction to Logic
PHIL 196B-01 - Seminar: Ethics and Design
PHIL 244-01 - Feminist Social and Political Philosophy
PHIL 252-01 - Philosophy of Law
PHIL 253-01 - Philosophy of Race
PHIL 260-01 - Political Philosophy: The Social Contract
PHIL 274-01 - Metaphysics: Existence and Reality
PHIL 396B-01 - Seminar: Love and Commitment
PHIL 396C-01 - Seminar: Ethics and Design
PHIL 473-01 - Senior Thesis
PHIL 493-01 - Honors Thesis
PHYS 111-01 - General Physics I
PHYS 111-02 - General Physics I
PHYS 111-03 - General Physics I
PHYS 111-04 - General Physics I
PHYS 111A-01 - General Physics I (FY Only)
PHYS 111A-02 - General Physics I (FY Only)
PHYS 190-01 - Foundations of Quantum Computing
PHYS 207-01 - Electrical Circuits
PHYS 207-02 - Electrical Circuits
PHYS 210-01 - Modern Physics
PHYS 295C-01 - Special Topics: Quantum Gravity
PHYS 340-01 - Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 421-01 - Directed Individual Research
PHYS 421-02 - Directed Individual Research
PHYS 421-03 - Directed Individual Research
PHYS 422-01 - Directed Individual Research
PHYS 423-01 - Directed Individual Research
PHYS 493-01 - Honors Thesis
POL 100-01 - American National Government
POL 100-03 - American National Government
POL 100-04 - American National Government
POL 105-02 - Introduction to Global Politics
POL 105-03 - Introduction to Global Politics
POL 105-04 - Introduction to Global Politics
POL 105-05 - Introduction to Global Politics
POL 105-06 - Introduction to Global Politics
POL 105-07 - Introduction to Global Politics
POL 111-01 - Introduction to Political Philosophy
POL 111-02 - Introduction to Political Philosophy
POL 111-04 - Introduction to Political Philosophy
POL 180A-01 - FS: Future of Law and Democracy: Global Challenges
POL 203-01 - State and Local Government
POL 232-01 - Public Policy
POL 235-01 - The Presidency
POL 246-03 - Post-Communism and New Democracies
POL 246-04 - Post-Communism and New Democracies
POL 296E-01 - Topic: Contemporary Chinese Politics
POL 370A-01 - Seminar in American Political Thought: Thomas Jefferson
POL 384-01 - Seminar in Middle Eastern Politics
POL 385-01 - Seminar: Freedom
POL 401B-01 - Dir Study: Immigration Law and Policy
PORT 113-01 - Accelerated Elementary Portuguese
POV 101-01 - Introduction to Poverty and Human Capability
POV 101-02 - Introduction to Poverty and Human Capability
POV 101-03 - Introduction to Poverty and Human Capability
POV 101-04 - Introduction to Poverty and Human Capability
POV 101-05 - Introduction to Poverty and Human Capability
POV 102-01 - Introduction to Community-Based Poverty Studies
POV 102-02 - Introduction to Community-Based Poverty Studies
POV 192-01 - Blue Ridge Mile Training
POV 193-01 - Blue Ridge Mile Clinic
POV 193-02 - Blue Ridge Mile Clinic
POV 193-03 - Blue Ridge Mile Clinic
POV 193-04 - Blue Ridge Mile Clinic
POV 197-01 - Bonner Program
POV 253-02 - Narrating Culture, Society, and Identity
RAS 473-01 - Senior Thesis
REL 105-01 - Introduction to Islam
REL 132-01 - Hinduism
REL 153-01 - Jesus in Fact, Fiction, and Film
REL 207-01 - Nature and Place
REL 219-01 - Augustine & Literature of Self, Soul, & Synapses
REL 282-01 - Picturing Muhammad?
REL 295D-01 - Topics: Christian Visionary and Mystical Traditions
REL 399-01 - Senior Seminar
REL 493-01 - Honors Thesis
RUSS 111-01 - Elementary Russian I
RUSS 261-01 - Intermediate Russian I
RUSS 301-01 - Advanced Russian I
RUSS 395C-01 - Topics: Russian Imperial Wars
SKT 101-01 - Elementary Sanskrit I
SOAN 101-01 - Introduction to Anthropology
SOAN 101-02 - Introduction to Anthropology
SOAN 102-01 - Introduction to Sociology: Investigating Society
SOAN 102-02 - Introduction to Sociology: Investigating Society
SOAN 180A-01 - FS: First-Year Seminar: The Sociology of Conflict
SOAN 181B-01 - FS: Race, Fashion and Religion in the West
SOAN 181B-02 - FS: Race, Fashion and Religion in the West
SOAN 208-01 - Qualitative Methods
SOAN 229-01 - Race: Anthropological Perspectives
SOAN 230-01 - W&L's Historical Archaeology
SOAN 235-01 - Anthropology of Death
SOAN 246-03 - Post-Communism and New Democracies
SOAN 246-04 - Post-Communism and New Democracies
SOAN 253-02 - Narrating Culture, Society, and Identity
SOAN 263-01 - Poverty and Marginality in the Americas
SOAN 265-01 - Exploring Social Networks
SOAN 265-02 - Exploring Social Networks
SOAN 278-01 - Introduction to Medical Sociology
SOAN 290C-01 - Special Topic: Producing Culture from the Margins
SOAN 370-01 - Classical Social and Cultural Theory
SOAN 401F-01 - Dir Stu: Tracing Descend of Afr Amer Employees W&L
SOAN 401G-01 - Dir Study: Regression Discontinuity
SOAN 401H-01 - Dir Study: Designing Surveys with Qualtrics
SOAN 403-01 - Directed Individual Study
SPAN 111-01 - Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 111-02 - Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 161-01 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 161-02 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 161-03 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 161-04 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 161-05 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 164-01 - Advanced Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 164-02 - Advanced Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 164-03 - Advanced Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 164-04 - Advanced Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 164-05 - Advanced Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 164-06 - Advanced Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 204-02 - Conversational Skills
SPAN 212-01 - Spanish-American Civilization and Culture
SPAN 220-01 - Introducción a la literatura española
SPAN 240-01 - Introducción a la literatura hispanoamericana
SPAN 275-01 - Introducción al análisis literario
SPAN 312-01 - Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Early Iberia
SPAN 347-01 - Poetry and Power
SPAN 354-01 - 20th Century Spanish-American Theater
THTR 100-01 - Introduction to Theater
THTR 109-01 - University Theater
THTR 121-01 - Script Analysis for Stage and Screen
THTR 125-01 - Speak/Persuade/Influence
THTR 131-01 - Introduction to Entertainment Technology
THTR 132-01 - Laboratory for Intro to Entertainment Technology
THTR 141-01 - Stage Acting 1
THTR 209-01 - Production and Stage Management
THTR 251-01 - Introduction to Performance Design
THTR 336-01 - Lighting Design
WGSS 180A-01 - FS: Gender, Sport, and Popular Culture
WGSS 244-01 - Feminist Social and Political Philosophy
WGSS 264-01 - The Body Electric: Queer Theory, Film, and Text
WGSS 264-02 - The Body Electric: Queer Theory, Film, and Text
WGSS 451-01 - Internship
WRIT 100-01 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-02 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-03 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-04 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-05 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-06 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-07 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-08 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-09 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-10 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-11 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-12 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-13 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-14 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-15 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-16 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-17 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
WRIT 100-18 - Writing Seminar for First-Years
- Any Instructors -
Abah, Dayo
Abry, Andrea
Adams, Edward
Ades, Rachel
Ahsani, Sima
Al-Ahmad, Jumana
Alden, Nick
Alexander, Brian
Alty, Lisa
Alvarez, Camilo
Anderson, Michael
Atanasova, Kameliya
Ayoub, Nadia
Bailey, Matthew
Ballah, Henryatta
Ballenger, Bob
Barber, Nicholas
Barry, Jeffrey
Bartlett, Sarah
Bassiouny, Aliaa
Beavers, Leigh
Bell, Alison
Bell, Melina
Bello, David
Belmont, Beth
Benefiel, Rebecca
Bent, George
Berlin, Michael
Betancourt De la Parra, Mauricio
Billias, Anna
Blackmon, Avery
Blees, Jaime
Blunch, Hugo
Blythe, Sarah
Botta, Monica
Bowden, Christa
Bowden, Nathan
Bower Maxham, Amanda
Boylan, Scott
Brindle, Ryan
Brobeck, Emma
Brock, Mikki
Brodsky, Anna
Brooks, Mackenzie
Brown, Alexandra
Brown, Christopher
Bryant, Ronda
Bush, Michael
Bustos, Heidi
Cabe, Paul
Cantey, Seth
Casey, Jamie
Castenell, Wendy
Cataldi, John
Chakraborty, Madhumita
Chin, Lynny
Chowdhury, Lubabah
Clancy, Christine
Clark, Jordan
Clear, Mattie
Cohen, Brandon
Colbert, Cory
Coleman, Maddie
Collins, Owen
Collins, Tony
Colon, Aly
Comerford, ShaLeigh
Conley, Brandon
Connolly, Michael
Cook, Emily
Coulter, Andi
Cowan, Michelle
Crockett, Roger
Cross, Steve
Crotty, Kevin
Cunningham, Connell
Dager, Mike
Dannelly, Bethany
Daunt, Anushka
Davidson, Jenny
Davies, Jenefer
Davies, Martin
Davis, Justin
de Lissovoy, Sandy
Dean, Nathaniel
Deck, Liza
Denne, Elizabeth
Dennie, Nneka
Desjardins, Steve
Detwiler, David
Dewey, Ady
Dick, James
Diette, Tim
Dobbins, Heather
Dresden, Gregory
Eastwood, Jon
Edwards, Anthony
Elrod, Fran
Erickson, Jon
Fafatas, Stephan
Fairfield, Christine
Finch, Kevin
Finch-Smith, Carrie
Forman, Dave
Fox, Gavin
Freeman, Dana
Freeman, Jon
Friend, Kyle
Frimpong, Bright
Fu, Hongchu
Fuentes, Freddy
Fulcher, Megan
Futrell, Tammy
Gamage, Kumudu
Gardner, Kami
Garrett, William
Garvis, Denny
Gavaler, Chris
Gaylord, Donald
Gertz, Genelle
Gibson, Jacob
Gilbert-Olson, Elisabeth
Gill, Karena
Goldsmith, Art
Goluboff, Sascha
Goudimova, Julia
Gray, Erin
Gray, K. Avvirin
Gray, Stu
Green, Leah Naomi
Green, Romina
Greer, Lisa
Gregory, Paul
Grover, Kate
Guse, Joseph
Gyscek, Peter
Hamilton, Bill
Harbor, David
Hardin, Patricia
Harper, Jesse
Harrington, Jane
Harris, Rebecca
Henderson, Alex
Hess, Megan
Hill, Michael
Hinkle, Margaret
Hodge, Kim
Hooks, Linda
Hoover, Morgan
Hoover, Scott
Hopkinson-Wood, Jane
Horowitz, Sarah
Hu, Lingshu
Humston, Robert
I'Anson, Helen
Ikeda Yuba, Janet
Irani, Afshad
Irby, Cindy
Jasiewicz, Krzysztof
Jenney, Christopher
Johnson, Dan
Johnson, Vaughn
Jones, Bobby
Kamara, Mohamed
Kang, Li
Kao, Wan-Chuan
Kearney, Kimberley
Khan, Taha
Kim, Sarah
King, Elliott
King, Emily
Kiser, Paula
Knapp, Elizabeth
Konishi, Akiko
Konstantinova, Iana
Kosky, Jeffrey
Kuehner, Joel
Kuettner, Dick
Lamb, Matthew
Landry, Emily
Lanier, Leah
Larson, Keri
Laughy, Michael
LeBlanc, Robin
Lepage, Andrea
LeRose, Garrett
Leva, James
Levy, Jemma
Linkmeyer, Clinton
Liu, Mengying
Livingston, Trey
Locy, Toni
Lu, Kefu
Lubin, Tim
Lynch, Lacey
Lynch, Shane
Macalister, Heather
Macary, Jared
Margalus, Jayson
Margalus, Sarah
Marsh, David
Matthews, Liz
Mayock, Ellen
Mazilu, Dan
Mazilu, Irina
McCabe, Gene
McClain, Tom
McCorkle, William
McCormick, Stephen
McHugh, Chris
McLaughlin, Delaney
McRae, Alan
Mendoza, Taylor
Meythaler, Sandra
Michelmore, Molly
Michelson, Seth
Millan, Diego
Mish, Robert
Morel, Lucas
Murdock, Karla
Murphy, Erin
Myers, Barton
Negrete, Mario
Nery Mora, Aroldo
Ness, Erin
Nguyen, Son
Olan, Lorri
Oliver, Bill
Oubou, Hafsa
Ozorak, Bethany
Parker, Greg
Parr, Emily
Perez, Marcos
Phillips, Hannah
Phillips, Matt
Pickett, Holly
Pickett, Howard
Pins, Tiffany
Pleva, Mike
Ponce de Leon Seijas, Zoila
Prager, Debra
Prince Nelson, Sybil
Radulescu, Domnica
Rainville, Lynn
Rajsky, Iguehi
Rapoza, Mathew
Reeves, Jake
Reid, Colin
Reino, Jayne
Reistrup, Gordon
Reyes, Antonio
Robinson, Annie
Rodocker, Jason
Roney, Kristina
Roots, Jaime
Rubina, Yulia
Rupke, Nicolaas
Rush, Mark
Rutkowski, Todd
Sammons, Franklin
Sandberg, Stephanie
Scales, Adam
Schacherer, Jonathan
Scherschel, Heather
Schucker, Matthew
Shablack, Holly
Shearer, Nathan
Shelton, Shelby
Shester, Katharine
Shrestha, Anukriti
Sigler, Haley
Silwal, Shikha
Singleton, Mike
Smigrod, Claudia
Smith, Chantal
Smith, Donna
Smith, Joey
Smout, Kary
Snyder, Bryan
Spalding, Brandon
Sprenkle, Sara
Staples, Beth
Steele, Taylor
Steinkraus, Emma
Stevens, Thomas
Stewart, Bob
Strong, Bob
Sukow, David
Summers, Patrick
Sun, Angela
Sundie, Jill
Sutton, Alexander
Swasy, Alecia
Tanlu, Lloyd
Taylor, Erin
Taylor, John
Teaff, Elizabeth
Thakur-Wernz, Pooja
Tobin, James
Tolley, William
Tombarge, John
Tomecek, Robert
Toporikova, Natalia
Uffelman, Erich
Uhl, Brandon
Ulmer, Laura
Uzzell, Lynn
Van Loan, Theodore
Vise, Melissa
Vosbein, Terry
Walters, Patrick
Wang, Chong
Wang, Clyde
Watson, Cody
Watson, Fiona
Wedgeworth Graham, Brandi Jane
Wen, Zuoting
Wheeler, Lesley
White, Ted
Whitehead, Alan
Whiting, Wythe
Whitworth, Gregg
Williamson, Joshua
Williamson, Scott
Wills, Gina
Winder, Charles
Woodzicka, Julie
Yamaguchi, Kei
Yang, Joy
Youngman, Paul
Yoza Mitsuishi, Katia
Zhang, Alice Tianbo
Zhu, Yanhong
Zubler, Ray
Course Tags
- Any Course Tag -
Acalog Course Type :: Clinic
Acalog Course Type :: Externship
Acalog Course Type :: First Year Course
Acalog Course Type :: Other
Acalog Course Type :: Practicum
Acalog Course Type :: Required Second Year Course
Acalog Course Type :: Required Third Year Course
Acalog Course Type :: Upper Level Elective
Acalog Course Type :: Upper Writing Requirement
Admin :: ACA Export to Acalog
Admin :: DH Digital Humanities
Admin :: EQU Equivalency
Admin :: FYR First Year Registration
AFY Appropriate for First Year
EXP Experiential Learning
FDR :: FL World Language Foundation
FDR :: FM Math and Computer Science Foundation
FDR :: FP Physical Education Foundation
FDR :: FW Writing Foundation
FDR :: HA Fine Arts Distribution
FDR :: HL Literature Distribution
FDR :: HU Humanities Distribution
FDR :: SC Science, Math, CS Distribution
FDR :: SL Lab Science Distribution
FDR :: SS1 Social Science - Group 1 Distribution
FDR :: SS2 Social Science - Group 2 Distribution
FDR :: SS3 Social Science - Group 3 Distribution
FDR :: SS4 Social Science - Group 4 Distribution
FDR :: SS5 Social Science - Group 5 Distribution
FS First-Year Seminar
GL Global Learning
LAW :: AP Actual Practice
LAW :: CL Clinic
LAW :: EM Exam Course
LAW :: EX Externship
LAW :: FP Field Placement
LAW :: PR Practicum
LAW :: SM Seminar
LAW :: UG Ungraded Course
LAW :: XP Experiential
PERS Perspectives
POS :: AFCA African Diaspora Focused
POS :: AFCA Africana Studies
POS :: BIOL BS Quantitative Biology
POS :: BUS Information Systems
POS :: CBL Community-Based Learning
POS :: DCI Digital Culture and Information
POS :: DS Data Science
POS :: DSBA Data Science - Business Analytics
POS :: EAS East Asian Studies
POS :: EERS East European and Russian Studies
POS :: ENV Environmental Studies
POS :: EPOL Education Policy
POS :: FILM Film and Visual Culture
POS :: HIST European-Russian Course
POS :: LACS Latin America & Caribbean Studies
POS :: LJS Law, Justice, and Society
POS :: MESA Art History and Literature
POS :: MESA Language Other Humanities
POS :: MESA Middle East and South Asia Studies
POS :: MRST Medieval and Renaissance Studies
POS :: NEUR Neuroscience
POS :: POL American Politics
POS :: POL International and Global Politics
POS :: POL Political Philosophy
POS :: POV Electives
POS :: POV Poverty Studies
POS :: RAS Russian Area Studies
POS :: WGSS Humanities and Other Disciplines
POS :: WGSS Electives
POS :: WGSS Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
Room :: AV_APL Apple TV
Room :: AV_DOC Document Camera
Room :: AV_LEC Lecture Capture
Room :: AV_MRS Wireless Solstice Mersive
Room :: AV_SKP Skype Conference
Room :: BD_CHK Chalk Board
Room :: BD_SMR Smart Board
Room :: BD_WHT White Board
Room :: EQ_CGL
Room :: EQ_PNO Piano
Room :: LC_CGL Center for Global Learning
Room :: LG_BLK Blackout Lighting
Room :: LG_FLM Film-Friendly Lighting
Room :: ST_SMR Seminar Table
Room :: ST_TIR Tiered Seating
Room :: TS_ALS Active L Teaching Style
Room :: TS_BRK Breakout Teaching Style
Room :: TS_DSC Discussion Teaching Style
Room :: TS_LEC Traditional Lecture Teaching Style
Room :: TS_VLS Vers Learn Space Teaching Style
WI Writing Intensive
WLA W&L Abroad
WLO W&L Off-Campus
Meeting Days
- Any Meeting Days -
Meeting Patterns
- Any Meeting Pattern -
Friday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Friday | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Friday | 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Friday | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Friday | 9:25 AM - 10:50 AM | 08/28/2023 - 12/18/2023
Friday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Monday | 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM | 08/28/2023 - 12/18/2023
Monday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Monday | 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Monday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Monday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Monday | 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Monday | 2:30 PM - 6:30 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Monday | 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Monday | 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Monday | 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Monday | 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Monday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday | 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday | 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday | 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Monday/Wednesday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Monday/Wednesday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Monday/Wednesday | 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Monday/Wednesday | 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Monday/Wednesday | 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Monday/Wednesday | 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Monday/Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Monday/Wednesday | 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Monday/Wednesday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Monday/Wednesday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Monday/Wednesday | 9:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Thursday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Thursday | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Thursday | 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Thursday | 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Thursday | 1:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Thursday | 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Thursday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Thursday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Thursday | 12:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Thursday | 12:30 PM - 5:30 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Thursday | 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM | 08/28/2023 - 12/18/2023
Thursday | 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Thursday | 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Thursday | 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Thursday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Tuesday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Tuesday | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday | 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Tuesday | 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Tuesday | 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday | 1:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Tuesday | 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM
Tuesday | 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Tuesday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Tuesday | 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM | 08/28/2023 - 12/18/2023
Tuesday | 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Tuesday | 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM | 08/28/2023 - 12/18/2023
Tuesday | 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Tuesday | 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Tuesday | 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Tuesday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Tuesday/Thursday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Tuesday/Thursday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 11:00 AM - 12:25 PM | 08/28/2023 - 12/18/2023
Tuesday/Thursday | 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 3:15 PM - 4:45 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM
Tuesday/Thursday | 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Tuesday/Thursday | 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Tuesday/Thursday | 8:40 AM - 9:40 AM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Tuesday/Thursday | 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Tuesday/Thursday | 9:20 AM - 10:45 AM | 08/28/2023 - 12/18/2023
Tuesday/Thursday | 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Tuesday/Thursday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Tuesday/Thursday | 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM
Wednesday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Wednesday | 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday | 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday | 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Wednesday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Wednesday | 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM | 08/28/2023 - 12/18/2023
Wednesday | 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Wednesday | 6:15 PM - 7:45 PM
Wednesday | 7:45 PM - 9:15 PM
Wednesday | 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Wednesday | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Wednesday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Wednesday/Friday | 11:00 AM - 12:25 PM | 08/28/2023 - 12/18/2023
Course Section
Eligibility Rule
Course Tags
Meeting Days
Meeting Patterns
Computer Science
CSCI 111-01 - Fundamentals of Programming I
Cody Watson
POS :: DS Data Science, POS :: DSBA Data Science - Business Analytics, AFY Appropriate for First Year, FDR :: FM Math and Computer Science Foundation
Tuesday, Wednesday
Tuesday | 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023, Wednesday | 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM | 09/07/2023 - 12/15/2023
Computer Science
CSCI 111-02 - Fundamentals of Programming I
Kefu Lu
POS :: DS Data Science, POS :: DSBA Data Science - Business Analytics, AFY Appropriate for First Year, FDR :: FM Math and Computer Science Foundation
Tuesday, Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Tuesday | 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM, Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Computer Science
CSCI 111-03 - Fundamentals of Programming I
Liz Matthews
POS :: DS Data Science, POS :: DSBA Data Science - Business Analytics, AFY Appropriate for First Year, FDR :: FM Math and Computer Science Foundation
Tuesday, Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Tuesday | 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM, Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Computer Science
CSCI 112-01 - Fundamentals of Programming II
William Tolley, Sara Sprenkle
CSCI 111.
POS :: DS Data Science, POS :: DSBA Data Science - Business Analytics, AFY Appropriate for First Year, FDR :: SC Science, Math, CS Distribution
Thursday, Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Thursday | 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM, Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Computer Science
CSCI 112-02 - Fundamentals of Programming II
Taha Khan
CSCI 111.
POS :: DS Data Science, POS :: DSBA Data Science - Business Analytics, AFY Appropriate for First Year, FDR :: SC Science, Math, CS Distribution
Thursday, Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM, Thursday | 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Computer Science
CSCI 209-01 - Software Development
Sara Sprenkle
CSCI 112.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Computer Science
CSCI 209-02 - Software Development
Sara Sprenkle
CSCI 112.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Computer Science
CSCI 297C-01 - Topic: Systems Programming
Taha Khan
CSCI 112.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Computer Science
CSCI 313-01 - Theory of Computation
Kefu Lu
MATH 121, MATH201, or MATH 225.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Computer Science
CSCI 397D-01 - Seminar: Reinforcement Learning
Cody Watson
CSCI 209.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
Computer Science
CSCI 401A-01 - Directed Individual Study: Social Media Algorithms
Sara Sprenkle
instructor consent.
Computer Science
CSCI 401C-01 - Dir Study: Cybersecurity and Privacy
Taha Khan
instructor consent.
Computer Science
CSCI 401D-01 - Dir Study: Interactive Machine Learning
Sara Sprenkle
instructor consent.