Rockbridge Area Community-Engaged Student Application Form

In order to apply for these programs, prospective students must be admitted at Washington and Lee University. Applicants must submit to the Shepherd Program the following application and a resume. Applications are due May 5, 2025.


The Bonner Program is a national community engagement program for students with a deep interest in service and community-based learning. This four-year program provides experiential learning credit, financial support through work-study, and additional opportunities for enrichment programmng. Bonners commit to 1800 hours of community engagement and leadership training over their four years.

Good Nabors

Join a cohort of first-year students interested in serving the Rockbridge Community and building a spirit of service on campus. Programming includes educational sessions focused on a rotating issue, group reflection, and personalized guidance to help you connect to local volunteer opportunities. At the end of the first-year, there are a variety of options to stay engaged!


#HungerFighters combines student academic interests with direct service through the W&L's Campus Kitchen. Students engage in group volunteering, a year-long speaker series, and topical discussion around current issues related to food systems. At the end of the first-year, there are a variety of options to stay engaged!

*Important Note: All students with an interest in meaningful and significant service are invited to apply. However, the Bonner program takes financial need into consideration, as evidenced by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and College Scholarship Service (CSS) Profile. In order to recognize that need, applicants should submit a FAFSA report and CSS Profile with W&L’s Financial Aid Office (if one is not already on record). Because Bonner Student Leaders are hired as student employees, students must be eligible for employment in the United States and must be able to present the required I-9 identification to participate in the program. Contact if you have questions about the documentation required.

Last name, first name, middle name, suffix
Are you a first generation college student?
Is community service a graduation requirement at your high school?
Options are Bonner, Good Nabors and #Hungerfighters
Are you eligible for the Pell Grant?
*This question is only applicable to Bonner Applicants. While all students are invited to apply, most selected students must demonstrate financial need as evidenced by their FAFSAs. This information will only be shared with the Bonner Coordinator and Director.


Please type your responses to the following essay question:

Why are you applying for the program? How do you expect community engagement to impact your education at W&L? (Maximum of 500 words)

To complete your application, please send a one page resume to

By clicking submit, I affirm to the best of my ability that the information contained herein is true and accurate. I also grant the selection committee permission to review my admissions application to Washington and Lee and all pertinent information collected by the Admissions Office.