Application for Teacher Education Course Exchange (A3) SVUQuestions? Contact Rebecca Perini at rperini@wlu.edu.
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* Home Institution: |
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* Endorsement Area(s) to be Sought: |
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I understand that, by submitting this application, I am agreeing to the following: - This directory information may be released according to the host institution's policy.
- I will not be admitted as a degree-seeking transfer student by another RTEC institution.
- I am giving my permission for transfer of my academic and conduct records and relevant medical records between the appropriate individuals at both institutions.
- I must maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 2.50 or better to remain eligible for this exchange program. If I fail an RTEC exchange course, I must make an appeal to the RTEC Steering Committee. If permitted, I may reapply to the program.
- All courses are subject to the availability and approval of the home and host institutions.
- I am accountable to follow all rules and regulations of the host institution, including the respective honor and student-conduct systems and those governing academic integrity, registration, attendance, and withdrawal.
- I have read and will follow the guidelines outlined in the RTEC Program Handbook.
This form will be submitted to the RTEC Director. Once submitted, a copy of the form goes to your home university registrar and then to the host university registrar. Your transcript will be reviewed as part of the approval process to register for teacher education courses at the host university. RTEC Form A3